Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Obama in WA to Visit Oso

By Kate and Scarlett

Today, April 22 2014, Barack Obama, President of the United States will visit the victims, and families of the horrific mudslide in Oso, Washington. Over 41 civilians were killed and there are still two people missing as result of this tragic incident that occurred nearly one month ago.
Obama is here to show his sympathy to the people affected by this mudslide. Obama plans to take a helicopter tour of the debris field, converse with emergency responders, victims and government members. He is also expected to host a private meeting at the Oso Community Chapel for families who have lost relatives.
Though civilians, organizations and emergency departments are struggling to regain hope and control of the situation, Obama's visit may bring a sense comfort and support. The small town of Oso will remember this catastrophe forever, but will continue to search for a brighter future.