Thursday, April 3, 2014

Discovering Mermaids

-Kayla and Amber

Is there a chance they could they truly exist?
Since the beginning of time we have understood the importance of water, especially it's supplier, the ocean. In the last decade or so we have discovered so much of our ocean and what is inside, but even with this knowledge, we have only identified less than 5% of the ocean.  
Stories about mythical creatures have been passed down from generation to generation. Even Disney has portrayed this creature as what we see as a mermaid. A being with the chest and head identical to a human and hips and legs morphed into a fish tail. Growing up, many of the new generations have been fascinated by the idea of mermaids. Many of these children have grown up with so much curiosity it leads them to go on expeditions in the hopes these beautiful are real. Their research gives us a better understanding of what these "mermaids" would need to survive and the probability of them existing. Based on their research we have found that there are many conflicting opinions. We are prepared to support both sides of the argument.

 The probability of a Disney portrayed mermaid is highly unlikely to exist and there are many facts to support that theory.  Some examples would be your immune system is in no way prepared to survive in the unknown depths of the ocean. Also we have come across the problem that we can not yet breath underwater without supplied oxygen. Since Disney portrays these mermaids as half human, we know that they would never be able to survive in such freezing temperatures underwater. In addition, the ocean's floor does not supply the necessary nutrients us humans need to survive.  The media perceives a mermaid in a way that would make it nearly impossible to exist. However, if we were to change the image and characteristics, there are many possibilities of mermaid existence in the 95% percent of the ocean we have not yet discovered.  Witnessing the progress we have made already in the last several decades, never give up on the possibility of the existence of mermaids.