Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Meet The New Westside Wolf Staff!

My name is Hanna and I am in 6th grade. I like photography, pets and piano. Just kidding I don't like piano. My favorite part of break was Christmas Eve because I got to open all my presents. I love the excitement of it all. If I were a vegetable I would be a carrot. I would be a carrot because they are unlike all other vegetables, they are some how strange compared to the other green boring vegetables. My hope for 2015 is to have the most fun possible.

Hi my name is Carson I am in 6th grade.
I like making youtube videos and playing Minecraft. The highlight of my break was Christmas day. If I was a vegetable I would be asparagus because no one would eat me because I am so disgusting; I would live a long and happy life of not being eaten. My hope for 2015 is that I will get a few subscribers on youtube.  

My name is Nathaniel and I am in the 6th grade. What I like doing outside of school is playing baseball and drumming. My highlight of the winter break was going out to Virginia to my grandma's house. If I had to be one vegetable, I would be a carrot because it is my favorite vegetable. My New Year's resolution is to brush my teeth more.

My name is Carmen and I am in 6th grade. Outside of school, I like to play sports. I like all animals, except for lizards. I also like to run. The highlight of my break was skiing in Leavenworth. If I was any vegetable, I would be tofu. My New Years resolution is to read more often. 

My name is Kayla and I am in the eighth grade. Outside of school I enjoy playing volleyball. The highlight of my break was spending time with my family and relaxing. If I was a vegetable I would be brussels sprouts. I hope to get into the high school I want to in 2015.

My name is Emilio and I am in 8th grade. I like to play basketball outside of school. A highlight from my winter break is getting an xbox one. If I was a vegetable I would be a kiwi. A hope for 2015 is that I become president of the United States by the end of the year.

My name is Nate and I'm in 7th grade.Something I like to do is photography, and dancing.
A highlight of my break is getting on tv with Kieran and seeing the fireworks on New Year's Eve. If I was a vegetable I would be a pear even though it is not a vegetable. My resolution is to eat more pears.

My name is Aisha and I'm in the 8th grade. I love to run track outside of school. I get to hang out with other friends. Family came in from Baltimore, Maryland over the break. It was fun to see them and hang out together. I would be a sauteed asparagus if I had to be vegetable. In 2015, I hope to get into Seattle Prep.  

My name is Kate and I am in 8th grade. Outside of school, I spend most of my time at gymnastics, which I enjoy. During the winter break, I had a lot of fun doing nothing but sleeping, watching tv and eating food. If I were to be a vegetable, I would be a lettuce and in 2015, I hope to become less attached to my phone and get into high school.