Thursday, January 29, 2015

8th Grade Bungee Jumping

By Aisha

Over the past the few weeks, the 8th grade has been studying slope and linear equations. To make this unit more entertaining and enjoyable, the 8th grade STEM teacher Sarah created a Barbie bungee jumping project. Each table group was required to figure out how far their Barbie drops with 6 rubber bands, then graph the points and find the line of best fit. The objective of the project was to figure out how many rubber bands would be needed for Barbie to have the most thrilling bungee jump (getting as close to the ground as possible) from 316 cm without testing from that height.

In all, the table groups were generally accurate in their calculations pertaining to the number of rubber bands needed to successfully fall close to the ground. Everybody enjoyed the project and are looking forward to continuing on with our unit on graphing.