Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mary's Place Christmas Drive

by Kate and Callum

The holidays are just around the corner and are a great time to help a child in need. This year Westside is helping by running a new shoe drive for Mary’s Place. But in order for this to happen we need YOU!

Starting next week, the MS Student Council will be organizing a school-wide drive in order to help support Mary's Place. Mary's Place is a homeless day shelter for women and children that also provides basic needs and services. In years past we have successfully run many drives and completed all sorts of service work to contribute to different organizations, so let’s do it again this year!

We encourage everyone to participate and help fulfill Mary's Place goal of 500 hundred pairs of new shoes for homeless women and children.

The drive will start Monday and end on Friday, December 5th at the MS school dance. Donation boxes will be outside of the library and by the main entrance.

We hope that you make the decision and donate to Mary's Place this holiday and we are sure that the homeless women and children will too!