Friday, October 17, 2014

Who Are the New Staff At the Westside Wolf?

By Kieran and Callum

Here are the new staff at the Westside Wolf and some fun facts to get to know them better. At The Westside Wolf, 6-8th graders work as a group with our Humanities teacher, Susannah, to post articles on all sorts of topics.

Henry is an athletic 7th grader, has a dog named Charlie and has been at Westside since kindergarten. He takes Chinese and enjoys writing sports articles in blog. If he could be any superhero, he would be The Hulk, with speed. Henry would be a Sea Hippo (ask Susannah or any 8th grader especially Kate) if he could be any animal, and likes dogs more than cats. Henry's favorite cereal is Lucky Charms, and he wants to be a professional baseball player when he grows up.

The first thing you need to knows about Kate is that if she could be any animal she would be a sea hippo. She likes dogs more than cats, and has a dog by the name of Cooper. She has been at Westside for four years and is now an 8th grader. Her favorite part of the blog is the freedom we have in the articles we write. Her favorite cereal is Fruit Loops, she takes Spanish class and her superhero of choice is the hulk. When she is older she wants to be an FBI agent.

Kai takes Chinese likes dogs more than cats and for some odd reason has 2 cats named Buster and Ozzie. He has been at westside for 9 years and is a 6th grader. His favorite cereal is Life and he would be a Komodo dragon if he was an animal. Kai wants to be a NBA basketball player when he grows up.His favorite part of the blog is being update on what other kids like.

David has been at Westside since second grade. He has a dog and takes Chinese.David's favorite cereal is Rice Krispies and he likes dogs more then cats. David would be Superman if he could be any superhero, and would be a lizard that runs on water if he could be any animal.  David wants to be a pilot when he grows up and enjoys writing about world conflicts in the blog.

Aisha is an athletic 8th grade student who has been at Westside for 9 years. She takes Spanish, has a dog named Sheba and her favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes. Aisha likes dogs more than cats, would want to be superman, and if she could be any animal, she would be a bird because if death to this world came by water she could just fly. Her favorite part of the blog is the freedom we get to write. When Aisha was younger she wanted to be a Marine biologist, but she doesn't know what she wants to be now.

Luke has been at Westside for 10 years, has a dog named Larissa and takes Chinese. His favorite cereal is Honey O's, and he would be The Hulk if he could be any superhero. He likes dogs a lot more than cats, and would be a butterfly if he could be any animal in the world. Luke enjoys writing interesting topics in blog and wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

This is Jac's 2nd year at Westside and he is now beginning 7th grade. Jac loves Life (the cereal), if he could be any animal he would be a waffllama (waffle+Llama).  He likes dogs more than cats but for some odd reason he has 2 cats and only 1 dog. He takes Spanish and if he was a superhero he would be Ironman. Jac has no idea of what he wants to be when he grows up, his favorite part of the blog is participating with others.

Kieran has been at Westside since kindergarten, and has a dog named rocket. His favorite cereal is Cocoa Krispies and he takes Chinese. Kieran likes dogs more than cats, his favorite superhero is Ironman, and if he could be any animal in the world he would be a human because they are an advanced species. Kieran's favorite part of blog is editing, he wants to be a scientist when he grows up.

Callum had been at Westside since kindergarten, has 2 dogs and 2 parrots and takes Chinese. If Callum could be any superhero, he would be Ironman. He likes dogs more than cats, and if he could be any animal in the world, he would be a mimic octopus.Callum favorite part of blog is interviewing people, he wants to be a spinal surgeon when he grows up.

Will has been at Westside school since preschool, has 2 Guinea Pigs named  
Cuy and Peru.  He takes Spanish and his favorite cereal is Fruit Loops. If he could be any superhero he would be the Green Lantern. Will likes dogs more than cats, would be a seal if he was an animal.  His favorite part of blog is the aspect of writing. When he grows up he wants to be a landscape architect.

Emilio is a fan of fantasy football, and has been at Westside since kindergarten. He has two cats which he loves.  He takes Spanish and his favorite cereal is Rice Krispies. If he could be any superhero, he would be Super Man. He likes cats more than dogs, and. If he could be any animal in the world, he would be a shark. His favorite part of blog is writing about fantasy football and he wants to be a sports writer when he grows up.

Chris has been at Westside for 9 years. His favorite part of the blog is writing articles that interest him, and he takes Chinese. He has 1 dog and he prefers them more than cats. He doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up, and if he could be any supe hero he would be "Black Widow, duh." His favorite cereal is Cheerios and if he could be any animal he would be a Christophian shark.

Kayla has 3 cats a dog 13 fish and a bunny. She has been at Westside for 9 years and is now an 8th grader. Kayla's favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes and if she could be any animal she would be an anaconda. She takes Spanish and would be Batwoman if she could. Finally Kayla likes cats more than dogs.  Her favorite part of the blog is the freedom we have in the articles we write and she wants to be OBGYN when she grows up.

That is our staff team! We have a lot of articles and varieties of articles as well, so make sure to go and check them out!