Monday, November 25, 2013

Westside Ski Bus


The Westside Ski Program is coming up!   On Friday, January 10th, 24th, 31st, and February 14th, middle schoolers who signed up to ski or snowboard will go off to Snoqualmie at 1:00 PM and return at 7 PM.  
"The ski program started two years ago, so this is the third time that we've done the ski bus," Glyn Jenkins, humanities teacher, said of the ski program. "It was a decision that came around from Don Cunningham, who is now the assistant head of school, and myself.  I had run lots of ski programs before at other schools and there were Westside staff that were really keen about skiing.  It is a great skill and it's also a great social opportunity, so we put it together and it's been popular ever since."
The middle schoolers ski in groups, so if one person gets hurt, another can stay with them while a different person can get help. For those of you who do not know, the slopes are labeled by difficulty by colors, a very convenient system.  According to Glyn, the ski program is a great way to really have fun and give kids a chance to do something that they may not always have a chance to do, not to mention that it is healthy:
"We have about twelve people taking lessons, so that's giving people the opportunity to ski for the first time."
They even rent a huge bus that seats fifty-six people in order to get everyone to Snoqualmie. It all together sounds like a fun time!  If you haven’t had the opportunity to do it, you should.