Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Westside Middle School Bike to School Day and the MS Hoedown This Friday!!!

Our annual bike to school day is this Friday May 15. It's a great way to get exercise while
helping the environment as well. Those who participate will receive a homework pass the night before, so you can leave your supplies at school for the night, making biking more convenient.  In addition, there will be a surprise prize to those who bike.

We all encourage you to participate in Bike to School Day, it's a good opportunity to save energy and get outside.

And remember, The Hoedown is this Friday from 6 to 8 in the courtyard. There will be a pie eating contest and each grade has chosen someone to participate.

5th grade: Greg

6th grade: Garrett

7th grade: Jac

8th grade: Anthony.

If you haven't already turned in your forms, get them in a soon as possible to Susannah and

come join the fun!