Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our New Campus: Hillcrest

By David

Located on 34th Ave. and 104th ST., the new Hillcrest campus will house all of Westside School by the next school year.  Westside bought the Construction began this May before the end of last school year. Westside will begin moving into the new building towards the end of June. There is a ribbon cutting ceremony planned for August to commemorate the start of official operations. But Westside's summer camp programs will continue at E.C. Hughes. Some of the the highlights of the new facility include upwards of 400 people will be able to have seats in the auditorium. A new tech design lab will be accessible to all grades for use of 3D printers, green screens. Robotics will also take place in the tech lab. A major complaint from students working at school has been slow Wifi. The school plans to implement a brand new Wifi system that will improve performance for all students. Classrooms will have better projectors for class use and some rooms will have smartboards. Class sizes will remain the same with roughly 20 kids per class and two classes per grade.  We are all excited to move to our new home!