Tuesday, November 4, 2014

High School Here We Come

by Kayla

The time is approaching for our 8th graders to move on to high school. They are all searching for a school that is right for them academically, athletically, artistically, etc. There have been many schools that have visited Westside, looking to recruit some of our students to be the latest edition to their 9th grade class. The schools that have already spoken to the 8th grade class are St. Michael's in Victoria, The Dunn School in California, Seattle Lutheran, The Northwest School, Holy Names and O'dea. All of these schools have unique and interesting attributes and all of the students are very excited to start the process of applying to high schools.

Although exciting, finding the high school that is right for you and putting your application together can be quite difficult and stressful.  However,  the teachers here at Westside are quite helpful. To know that they want you to succeed provides the confidence you need to get into the school of your dreams and depart Westside feeling accomplished. They also provide the support and guidance to make sure you succeed when taking the ISEE or SSAT tests. All of the teachers help you and make sure you know the material that is in the test. This is also the first year that testing is at Westside, this provides a stable and comfortable environment for the students to test in. There are many different dates that you can take the ISEE or SSAT, tests have already begun and students are scheduling their dates to take the tests. The week Westside is available to test  on November 8th and students are encouraged to test at this time. Make sure you start the process soon and if you have any questions, you can contact the high school counselor, Glyn Jenkins.