Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Administration at Westside

Meet some of the admin staff at Westside this year!

Jessica E. Butler
Where are you from and how long have you lived here?
I recently moved from Los Angeles to Seattle. This is my third month here.
What is your title at Westside?
I work as the Front Office receptionist. I greet new people, answer the phone, and take care of the children who aren't feeling well.
What was your previous job?
I have always worked in education. Specifically in college admission, helping seniors in high school prepare for college applications.
What do you like about Westside?
I love the community here at Westside. Coming from Los Angeles to Seattle, you can really tell the difference in the communities. There are so many happy people and so much positive energy.
What are the pros and cons about your job?
There are many pros in my job. For example, I live very close to this school, 3 1/2 minutes to be exact, so I am able to eat lunch at home and see my dog and husband. One of the hard parts of my job is that I have to sit all day. Luckily this problem has been fixed for I now have a standing desk.

Sara Billings
Sara Billings
What's some background information about you?
I am from Southern California and have lived in Seattle for 9 years. I have 2 young kids. I love to read and travel.
What is your title at Westside?
I am the Director of Development. I am in charge of fundraising, marketing, and communications.
What was your previous job?
I worked at a consulting firm, providing professional advice for 12 years before working at Westside.
What do you like about Westside?  
I love the community of parents, teachers, and friends here at Westside.  I also love all the people who care about the learning and teaching here.
What are the pros and cons about your job?
Some of the pros are getting to spend her time with people who care about the school. Giving time, money and resources. The only con I can think of is that the school is cold. I always have to walk around with my coat.

Marc Sacs
Marc Saks
What's some background information about you?
I moved to Seattle from Hawaii in July. I lived in Colorado before Hawaii and love the outdoors and hiking.
What is your title at Westside?
I have three main titles, 6th grade Science Teacher, Middle School Advisor, and Middle School Division Head. I also work with faculty to make sure they are preparing students well.
What was your previous job?
It was very similar to the job I have now. I was the 6th grade math and science teacher. I was also the Academic Dean at Hualalai in Hawaii.
What do you like about Westside?
I really like the students; they are great kids that really shape the community here at Westside.
What are the pros and con about your job?
I like working with both students and faculty, and making sure that they are always being considerate. A con is that It can be challenging being a teacher and an administrator because of the differences in behavior.

By Aisha and Emma