Thursday, October 31, 2013

Honoring the Dead

What holiday is coming up?  It was celebrated last Saturday, October 26th at the Seattle Center. Still don't know what it is? Here is a second clue: there were sugar skulls, dancing, music, crafts, and pretend altars.
The holiday is the Day of the Dead, in Spanish Èl Día de los Muertos!
However, the Seattle Center isn't the only place that celebrates this event; Westside School does, too! Veronica Hellar, our Spanish teacher, began the tradition of decorating sugar skulls in the classroom. The process is such: the 7th and 8th graders create the sugar skulls and then the rest of the middle school colors and frosts them.
The Day of the Dead is a holiday that is celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries and honors the dead, valuing who they were when they were alive. It is a time of happiness and remembering loved ones, not sadness or fear (unlike what some might think).
The Day of the Dead is celebrated on October 31st, November 1 and November 2nd. So if you or your family wants to celebrate their lost loved ones, this is when to do so.
And remember!  The Day of the Dead is not the same thing as Halloween or El Día de los Brujas.

By Olivia